In Denmark December 23rd is known as 'Lil Jule Aften' or 'Little Christmas Eve'. It is the day when last minute preperations take place and then everyone goes and wishes Merry Christmas to their neighbors and friends. Bear House is enjoying these traditions as well! Here Ms. Bear Cook is busily getting all the trimmings together for the Bears Christmas Eve feast! One of the resident Baby Bears can be seen in the corner begging for sweets...
Papa Bear is writing his letter to Santa, while nibbling on cookies. Do you think he is wishing for fish and honey???
GrandMother Bear is admiring the tree, and Grandfather Bear is enjoying playing with yet another resident Baby Bear. He made this Baby Bears stroller years ago!
Upstairs, Mama Bear is taking a well deserved rest in her bedroom, reading a favorite novel, while little sister plays with her dolls.
Oh my! Just listen to the rukus coming from next door! Little sister runs to investigate...
Seems the rest of the Baby bears, have abandoned bath time and taken to jumping on the bed! Lil Jule Aften is always full of activity and adventure!
But look, Brother Bear hears something outside - what could it be???
To be continued...