Thanks to Melissa for overcoming my 'stuckness' on electricity (I just ignored it for now) and to Amy with her wonderfully inspiring 'miniature swap stories' I finally dug out my dollhouse that I started over 20 years ago. Its a basic shape with lots of fancy 'working' windows. I got as far as putting it together, and priming it and then put it in the garage until I could 'find more time'. Well I don't know if I have more time now, but I do feel inspired to work on it again. A few weeks ago I stuccoed the outside and painted it pink. My inspiration is Monets House (see last photo). The green shutters and flower boxes are still in progress, as you see, but hopefully will go up by the end of the week! And I still need to paint the windows cream... It looks a bit saccharine to me right now, but I intend on covering it with vines and flowers some day - and hopefully that will give it more the feel I want... I really wanted to show you the finished product, but with life as it is, even itty bitty things go slow here. Plus, I am finding that making itty bitty decisions are not any easier than full-size ones! So you will get the 'in progress' version for now...