Yesterday we took a spontanious trip to the ocean. It was a balmy 68 degrees, and totally cloud free. We had a delicious picnic next to the community gardens in Olema, a town of 355 residents. The girls ran through the waves, climbed rocks and dug through tide-pools, while Michael and I dreamily held hands, dug our toes in the sand and relaxed. We often ask ourselves why we continue to stay in the Bay Area, when the cost of living is so incredibly high. Well, this is one of the reasons why. Where else can one drive, 35 minutes in January and sit and soak up the sun and hear the gulls sing blissfully? It almost makes the outlandish morgage payments worthwhile...
I have added a few of my favorite 'Inspiration' websights to my sidebars, and am now working on some photoalbums of my artwork. Take a look and stay tuned. I am off to soak up some more sun, they say it might reach 70 today. Incredible...